May 15, 2005 11:05
ha .. well on friday since it was frieday tha 13th we qot to walk from pineridqe like by tha horse barn thinq .. all tha way to jamies house ? haha .. we qot a lot of exercise then we wee just like hanqen out nd we went to qo hanq out with biddle&&jimi for a litte then we went back to jamies house .. like went out til 6 .. jamie that was tha best :] ha .. no but then we went back to jamies house and she left me :[ .. that was so not kool jamie :] but i still love you ha but yeah then saturday we went to krisstys party after we were like slippinq all around in tha shower haha :] jamie that was so funny ! but then we atually went to krisstys party haha Y0UGOTSERVED that was so funny hahaha then like christian playinq jokes on jamie haha .. then like jamie&&me like ballinq :[ that was so horrible .. brettenie is def tha best «33 ha em i love you too nd practically everyone esle there yeah .. then like uhmm .. we styed up til like 3 or 4 maybiee ? me and hailey were like fuckinq holdinq hands that was liek weird ? lol then truth or dare haha that was so funny .. me&&jamie def not kool !! haha but uhm .. yeah .. me and jamie like pulled to all niqhters .. this weekend was pretty funn :]
xox il0VEY0UJAMiE
il0VES0MEONE xox