Aug 23, 2009 23:46
Oh hai, Im in tokyo japan right now. you will have to excuse the bad grammar. I am using a japanese keyboard & when I am not setting it to japanese Im not finding the right keys. okay so im currently in a manga cafe which are epic btw so I dont have long. essentially i will sum up to holiday so far like this:
this is the greatest experience of my life.
ghibli museum was amazing.
I adore everyone on the tour.
nicest bunch of people you could ever wish to meet.
ive made some amazing friends.
the place is insane.
the people are wonderful.
harajuku was amazing.
i didnt get to see sisen, i found the shop but it was closed til 4 & we had to leave then.
ive fallen in love.
i think my tour guide is the love of my life. seriously. like holy shit. hes so freakin fantastic.
i tried so much awesome food, its really nice. no seafood yet. tried raw fish though.
the boys here are mind blowingly pretty.
i took loads of pictures youll be pleased to know. ill upload them and flood this with them when i get home.
its like midnight or something. im sleeping about 4 hours a night at the most. i just dont get tired while im here. its like this place has cured my tiredness.
ive spent far too much money, so glad i brought so much.
im coming back next year. you guys should come. itll make your life.
i miss you guys, i wish you were here.
oh all the things i could tell you. i dont know where to start.
3 days left though.
just three.
im gonna cry my freakin eyes out when i have to go.
ive gotta go, ill tell you more later.
love your all.
hope youre all okay.