I feel like elboarting on something

Jun 26, 2005 18:07

Topic: Bordum

Im sure we've all had our own assumptions of what bordeum means but have we ever taken the time to look up the word and really find out the intellectual meaning to the word boredum? No

So take it from a person who is currently expierencing bordeum and took the time to look up such a word for you so in ever a case you become bored you will not do this pathetic thing and post it's meaning on the live journal..........that way you can find another word to politely inform people with hehe


Is a reactive state to wearingly dull, repetitive, or tedious stimuli: suffering from a lack of interesting things to see, hear, etc., or do (physically or intellectually), while not in the mood of "doing nothing". Those afflicted by temporary boredom may regard the affliction as a waste of time, but usually characterise boredom worse than just that. Alternatively one may have the feeling that having too much spare time causes boredom. Indeed, time often appears to move more slowly to someone suffering from boredom. This results from the way in which the human mind measures the passage of time, by the frequency of notable events, the absence of which may cause the feeling of boredom.

Boredom may also lead to impulsive (and sometimes excessive) actions, that serve no purpose and may damage one's self-interest. For example, studies in behavioral finance have shown that stock traders can enter into "overtrading" (buying or selling even without any objective reason to do so) simply because they feel bored when they have nothing worth doing. Using recreational drugs provides another example of the possible perils of boredom.

haha okay enough I am finally freakin on my way to Plam Springs  ( 6 hours later)
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