(no subject)

Nov 03, 2012 21:23

i'm sure a few of you have noticed, but i'm replying comments again! orz
it's always one of those things that i just read and then leave them there in my inbox without replying, but hopefully i stop doing it!! >__<;;;

that being said, i am active in other places (i say that, i actually do try and read LJ every day/other day, i just don't really reply much orz) if you wanted to know what i'm up to! :D my main other fandom media is twitter, username being the same as my LJ name :D other than that... i'm on pinterest a lot? ._. i never really understood the whole tumblr system, and pinterest suits my recently acquired taste in DIY crafts and other really home-y stuff i never really did XD;;

oh and randomly annoucing, i'm screwed for my JLPT N1 exam in december! i haven't even properly opened my books! \(^^)/ i am doing japanese classes atm (end of term exam in 2 days, don't remind me. haven't touched my books), but tbh i don't think they're really helping as much as they should? they tend to use words and phrases i already understand, so i just sit around in lesson and chat orz there are words that i didn't know the proper meaning of and phrases which can be used in different ways, but it doesn't really seem to be worth the price i pay?

there's a government system in place where the government will pay you back 80% tuition fees if you do some further education (yes i know brilliant, but the amount they pay you back isn't much XD), so tbh my current aim is to just fulfil those conditions i need to get my money back XD;; a lot of the friends i met there have said that i'm so money-orientated, which i guess is true for them because they really did go through each course properly and do learn a lot from each lesson, but i just don't see the point? if i actually (doubt this so much) pass N1 this december, then going to the lessons won't really help me pass N2 (the aim of the course i'm in atm) since i've already passed it...

i'm thinking of doing a higher diploma course in one of our community colleges coz a lot of the courses there really appeal to me (hello japanese literature!!) and it was the reason why i pushed my N1 exam one test session early, but i'm not really sure if there's a point in doing it because it wouldn't be that widely recognised, and there's so many more courses i want to study, like maths and maybe a QTS course :x and of course i'm thinking of starting korean in march as well!!

okay that just became an education post. i really need to stop thinking i can study so many things at the same time while having a full time job >_<;;;

jlpt, lj-addict, maths, japanese, linguistics

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