wow the amount of hate on omona... i'm a bit bleh about eyk after i found out they were full time bloggers now (my HKer 'anything commerical is not really for the community's own good' mindset is deeply rooted), but seriously the hate there is just woah~
i guess it's also because they never have that much to say about suju (what is there to say about men dancing in a dimly light box anyway :P) and well... i actualy agree with them a lot of the time? just because you're a fan of one group/idol it doesn't mean you have to bash anyone that says something mean about them? i think it's more about just understanding that all idols have their flaws/get told to do things for their 'image', and living with it?
for example, leeteuk has so much hate from omona about certain remarks he made in some show (only glimpsed through it, wasn't really 'there' when it happened). i understand why people would hate him for it, but at the same time my experience tells me he has a huge fanbase in HK/china. have the chinese fanbase not heard of what he's said? i doubt it, they are always much more up to date with these things than western fanbases. so where's the hate? maybe it's drowned out by the fans, but it still shows people support him despite those remarks.
i've only seen hyuna in bubblepop and troublemaker (and a small bit in the end of year concerts), but the way she/her company is presenting her is really making me understand why eyk make those comments? coz really, what would you call someone walking down the street in that sort of clothing? what is my current opinion of rihanna in her current phase of clothing/music? similar thing really. they're definitely trying to promote her more than her other members (sorry but one of the end of year performances where she had like bright red lipstick while the others had much more natural ones really stands out. it might be her image and all, but FFS IT'S A GROUP PERFORMANCE AT LEAST CO-ORDINATE EVERYONE'S MAKE UP) which is actually putting me off.
and omg the ghetto thread. just because people in USA use ghetto as a 'racist' slur it doesn't mean the rest of the world should?! i've been on ONTD/the internet for long enough to understand the racist part of it, but the original meaning is still firmly rooted in me. and i'm sure it's rooted in all the other people who came across the word in it's original meaning before the americanised meaning. just because it's racist in one country, doesn't mean the whole internet has to change their understanding of the word. 'jap' always comes to mind when these things happen. it was never a racist word to me until i saw people say it was racist in USA, and tbh i don't see people having much of a problem using it normally. i guess maybe it's time that they learnt foreign culture and not the other way around.
okay that just turned into a ihateamerica post but oh well orz have lots to do tomorrow!
both of my tutees need me to help them for exams this week and my schedule is just packed tmr ;_; work as usual, then i need to tutor my tutee in IB chemistry (thank god it's standard level only) while being on standby on skype when the other tutee does area/perimeter/volume questions i set her. hopefully i don't give myself too much work during work (i know weird concept but hey), so i can at least prep myself a bit better for the monstrous 3 hours tutor period then head off to japanese lesson! orz really do want 2 copies of myself. one to sleep enough so i don't get any more sleep debt and one to work while the last one also works x____x;;