i'm sure people have seen
this and just... WHAT, LIVEJOURNAL, WHAT?!
yes new blood is good. but angering the current userbase? as someone said in the comments, retention is just as important as new costumers. most people are already angry from release 88, this interview just made it worse.
i really don't see how they think any more spazzy better-than-facebook community is going to work if no one is left to use it. i don't think they'll do well in the US market, people have moved onto wordpress, facebook and twitter for their social needs. i don't have their figures, but i've always thought LJ was pretty much dying anyway.
just a quick note, i know i've been posting a lot of really opinionated stuff lately, and i'm sorry if i'm offended anyone :( LJ is one of the few places where i can just rant on and on about something and it's really been able to take stuff off my mind without any RL friends thinking i'm crazy (the ones on here already know i'm crazy ♥) while i'm trying to sort my life out.
ON ANOTHER NOTE, I have a reference letter!!!
my stream rep said he'll be glad to write me a reference letter!! now i just need to pray my personal tutor will give me one so i'll be all set to rush through my applications and submit and omfg hopefully get it!! ^____________^