(no subject)

Jan 04, 2012 12:28

OMG is LJ messed up or what? tried to post twice via my phone but the webpage just closed on it's own so i'm just going to mumble in a corner about my lost posts >___>;;

i seem to be unable to maintain twitter and LJ together ;__; i started to use twitter again on 1 jan, but i've neglected LJ for a few days after that.. orz I NEED TO FIND A DAMN BALANCE!!

work is still boring, i've been trying to work on my master applications during school hours (since students don't start until next week) but i just can't do it XD;; i spent yesterday looking through youtube videos and i'm kinda scared i will today as well... hopefully not tho :(

i've started to watch tiger and bunny! i've just got the first episode down now, but it's a bit... bleh? i dunno, not what i was expecting i guess. and MORITA DOESN'T SOUND LIKE MORITA WHAT'S THE POINT. *cough* i'll give it a few more episodes before i decide if i drop it for sure :3

this season wise, i think i'm only watching the new natsume and the guy version of nichijou. so it should be a nice and relaxing season :D i thought anime wasn't starting until today onwards, so i completely missed the natsume release orz such an idiot!

ohhh and the new bbc!sherlock!! it was really good!! at first i got really scared because people were saying there were scary scenes and i have a really low tolerance for that sort of thing, but it turned out okay! even when watching late at night! the ending was a bit bleh tho, it could've been written differently imo... IIRC there was people saying that bbc!irene is similar to movie!irene, and neither really have the impact book!irene had? oh i dunno, it's all confusing to me :P i really liked the 'cases' in the beginning that were all referencing other stories in the series, especially the geek intepreter! only because it was the one i picked out first (the second being the speckled blonde XD;;)

okay hopefully LJ and twitter don't eat this post so i can procrastinate in peace... :D

seiyuu, sherlock holmes, work, lj-addict, natsume yuujinchou, episode review, twitter, tiger and bunny, anime

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