(no subject)

Dec 27, 2011 21:42

happy day after boxing day!! yay for no work!! \(^^)/

did absolutely nothing yesterday.. except watch videos and read junjou romantica :P now i'll all loved up again XD;;;

i also caught a cold. pretty sure i caught one orz
it got to the runny nose stage yesterday, then today it's been sneezing and runny nose...
my mum says it's worse than last time (caught one in november), but we'll see how it's like tomorrow >< it's not like i have anything a lot at work...
although i need to go to a funeral tmr so hopefully i can feel better by the evening :(

just going to curl up in bed and wake until it gets better i guess.... oh right i can take medicine XD;; i'm so used to just sleeping them off, i forget i can take medication :P

junjou romantica, work, sick!reg, family

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