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Dec 14, 2011 23:34

i seem to have failed with my imaginary 'one post a day!' rule XDD;;

yesterday was pretty boring... except during kumon there was a whole table of ESF kids \(^^)/ two girls are in SIS and a boy is in QBS. felt so old, yet so young ;___;

today was so boring!!! mid-terms have started at school, so basically it was me alone in the prep room with nothing to do :( i did manage to learn how to crochet tho! :D a hobby i should've picked up much earlier.. hopefully i can make cool patters one day....

OH AND THEN AFTER WORK I WENT TO SEE SHERLOCK HOLMES: GAME OF SHADOWS. IT IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD. EVERYONE GO WATCH IT. i was going to post a spoiler review, but i've kinda forgot most of what happened so i'll leave it.

but basically it's the sort of movie i really like? it's full of action, so i won't fall asleep or be bored, at the same time it's not TOO much so i have to cover my eyes every other second (i don't really like movie climaxes/dramatic scenes... they scare me for some reason XDD). there was sherlock/watson fanservice, yet it wasn't like done too deliberately <3 the flow of the story... i guess could be a bit better... i kept on thinking the end was nearly there, yet it wasn't XDD;; that might be a good point tho.. hm..

ANYWAY, I LIKED IT A LOT. and am really tempted to watch it again! but i will perserve, and wait until the BBC sherlock has a new season in 2012 <3

oh and the SM xmas album is kinda cute... liking the songs i listened to :3

i saw this for sale in a bookstore today... WAS SO FUCKING TEMPTED. but i realy have too many books at the moment... and i still have a box of books on the way... but OMG IT'S THE WHOLE FILMING/PRODUCTION PROCESS.
i also saw this this heston cook book and got really excited too.. but it's not really worth the $650 it was priced at especially if it's near impossible to make most of them... BUT HESTON. THE THINGS I WOULD DO TO EAT HIS FOOD.

harry potter, sherlock holmes, kumon, heston blumenthal, movie review, sis, smtown, crochet

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