(no subject)

Dec 10, 2011 20:41

today was soo tiring and cold.... i mean it's only around 11~16 degrees, but it's still pretty cold when you're in a medium-sized house and no heating... x____x;;

and omg 6 hours of kumon, no(t much of a) break x_______x;; the good thing was i wasn't really in a hurry this time, and i spent the low period during lunch to mark the hardest files... or else omg i would be so stressed near the end!! DDD:

i was going to work on apps, but i might just curl up in bed and read the guardian again. that does count as working on apps yeah? :3

and MAMA is gonna be on tv tonight!! wonder if i'll bother with watching it... hm... nope i'm not :P

and i was waiting for LJ to crash due to russia... oh well. and UK is terrible for doing that to europe. such a tsun -3-

uk, europe, weather, uni apps, kumon, lj-addict, super junior

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