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Nov 01, 2010 00:22

long time no see update :D

uni's been boring because i don't have much to do (despite being a third year), so society stuff is just piling up on me.. london expo was pretty bleh because i didn't finish my starry sky cosplay on time at all, which meant i was late to the expo and got bitch slapped pretty badly. and literally. :(

then like i left some curry in my stock pot the other day and mould grew in it :( disgusting ;_;

good thing is that i've decided more or less what i want to do for masters :D well i say that but i really just mean like computer science or management :D want to have a look at aussie and HK unis too, but oh well~~

and i'm going to brussels next week for 5 days! :D :D :D can't wait ;___;

uni :(, london expo, uni :), grad apps, travelling, cosplay

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