(no subject)

Sep 02, 2010 17:36

2/3 weeks later, i am updating LJ :D maybe only to see if everything does get cross-posted to facebook.. so updates in life :D

-i passed my referral! \(^^)/ the interview went quite well, despite realising on the spot that i messed up one of the questions BIG TIME (for those chem-nerds, i thought a general base catalysis reaction was a specific base catalysis, or the other way around..) on my paper work but then i fixed it back in the interview :D and it was only around half an hour long? ;__; missed out on one month in HK just for half an hour... orz

-i can has a DS lite and (kinda) a PS2! got the DS lite as a present for myself (blew up my salary orz) which is starting to go out of production? so good thing i got it :D the PS2 is kaze's but since my new place has a TV and his doesn't, it's at my place pernamently :) guitar hero can be sooo addicting @____@; i have two FF games too, but bleh x__x; and rec's?

-in the process of unpacking everything into my (small) flat! i think i accumulated too much stuff these past 2 years... or that this flat is not suited for students orz i'm in a studio flat myself atm, which seems to be for holiday people more than long-term stay since there is no desk what so ever... but i have my own kitchen and bathroom (and a much higher rent orz) which isn't that bad :) i'm just too used to my place at hughes parry :( i can see it out from my window ;_; *literally just moved across the road*

-not much is happening at the moment really... just unpacking, eating stuff, over-buying food, enjoying the nothing-ness of summer before term starts :)

edit: so as long as you don't log into facebook on LJ, your posts won't be x-posted? *facebook is empty* o_o;

chemistry, help?, gaming, lj-addict, facebook, uk, uni :(, uni :), kaze, hong kong

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