(no subject)

Jun 22, 2010 03:25

clones should exist when you want them to damn it ;____; all this packing is stressing me out, especially since i went to do last minute packing AGAIN ~___~ and i had to pack my social calendar out AGAIN orz... well social calendar only consists of one dinner tomorrow/today, but there's so much more i want to do @____@;;;

and then after all that, i just have to get nervous over results this year orz definitely wasn't the best of all revision this time... especially when i had a 3 hour exam in the morning, then a 3 hour exam in the evening on the same damn day @___@ ended up revising only... 1/2 hours for the afternoon exam D: we ca get our provisional (?) results from tomorrow/today, so hopefully they're alright... there goes second year :(

*next topic reg wants to randomly talk about* so it turns out i might not be going back to HK for holidays at all next year :x i looked at the plane flights a few days ago and they're all over budget (both xmas and easter) and i'm staying in a stupidly expensive place next year (a studio flat in central london is not to be underestimated) so i guess in a way it's good? my friend offered his place for wayyyy cheaper (basically my one week can over one month of the smallest room in their flat orz) but then my parents are against the place because 'guys' (as in one guy) are living there :( i understand how living with a guy may sound weird/bad to chinese/asian parents, but at the same time it does mean there's the extra security factor since whenever i'm out at stupid times in london, i tend to be with him (and a bunch of other people) D: so at least i don't have to get scared about going back myself ;_; *sigh* parents.. one day i'll understand them.

going back on track, staying in london for the whole year just seems so weird @____@; i mean i kinda did it this year (stayed during christmas then only went back in easter), but i never thought the thought of it would be so remotely strange? D: i have tons of friends here so it's not like i'll be bored, but at the same time it's like i'll be missing something? :x AHHHHH HK and london should be closer.

and leaving this hall has weirdly made me start to tear up ;___; it's not like i've been around the hall much this year, and i've actively avoided going down for dinner (it's been making me want to vomit every time for the past few months... orz) but it's just like.. losing some 'home'? i mean i've lived in this hall, this room for 2 years now D: i'm moving across the garden next year (i mean, the post code only changes by the LAST LETTER OF THE FULL POSTCODE), but i really do have a feeling i'll be missing this place a lot ;_;

okay back to packing then i guess...

uni :(, uk, bai ga-ness, results, hong kong

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