(no subject)

Mar 01, 2010 01:10

LJ got rid of the "last post __ days ago" thing on my main page so i can never bother to update ;___;

the winter olympics just got me thinking... am i in the minority when i say i have no real patriotism? like i mean i'm proud of being my ethnicity/nationality, but when it comes to sporting events and such i don't get too emotional when my national team wins/loses? it's not like i hate sports, since i watch the summer olympics semi-religiously, but there just seems to be no real passion in your home country winning/losing? it's just.. "oh [blah blah] won, yay! what's for dinner?" @___@;;

oh i dunno... i guess you just start feeling lost when you're overseas and you're already confused about these things to begin with...

uk, olympics, lj-addict, australia, hong kong

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