(no subject)

Feb 17, 2010 13:09

boredom leads to clearing out e-mails, which leads to memes :3

Reply to this entry with a random fun fact or awesome macro (bonus points if it's myu-related!) and I will give you five words that remind me of you. Then post them in your journal and explain what they mean to you.

from fencer_x:
1) ...life abroad!
2) Tokyo
3) hetalia~
4) your username!
5) that crazy guy who plays Aizen :D

1. life abroad is great :D most of my time in HK was spent at home looking after my grandma/mum, so i never really got the chance to go out as much as i can here, since it's only me, me and me :D i've meant tons of new friends and just generally love it here, tho i'm not sure if it's because of the people i've met or the place itself. i mean london is great, it has more or less everything i like doing arts-wise while the science geek in me loves UCL and the stupid labs ♥ i remember when i first decided to go to UCL i was kinda unhappy, since i wanted MIT much more than UCL, but now i'm quite sure i wouldn't have enjoyed cambridge as much as london ♥
but there's always bad sides to all things :( the prices for things here are typically more expensive than HK, which means you can go out of budget VERY quickly (i think i've had... 3+ meals at 30+ pounds since i've been here. myself.) especially if you succumb to temptation easily like me. the tube sucks for lacking phone coverage and street names annoy me (gordon street vs gordon square. i thought they were the same street for a good period of time). the drinking culture here is something i might have gotten used to, but not completely. when i was still a fresher, it was really shocking to see people going off to pubs/bars for a drink/chat. i guess it's the different type of upbringing, since people in HK hardly drink and those who do tend to be called people to party their life away or expats etc.. i haven't actually been to a club, but the few times i've been to a pub/bar it's been fun coz people to loosen up after a few drinks. and it's always good to know where your limit it in terms of drinks before you actually start work and need to drink with clients and what not. i haven't really gotten home sick yet, but there are times when you wish you were actually back at home, especially when you're sick/need advice on things. and it gets depressing when your friends are going back home for the weekend/holidays and you can't because it's too expensive etc...
so in general, i love life abroad, but wish HK was closer :P

2. i remember back in the days (yes, that far away XD) when i really wanted to go to tokyo... i think it was like year 9? i was so excited about going i was actually planning/researching for stuff half a year in advance. mind you, this was for a school trip, where everything is already sorted out for you OTZ but the last time i've went for burimyu back in 2008, things kinda started to change? i mean if i had the chance to go to tokyo again i would be really happy, but it's not the same kind of excitement as i had the first time? there doesn't seem to be any pushing force for me to go there any more... the more recent reason i would go is for burimyu, but hey that's finished already :( maybe coz i've been in london for too long OTZ
that aside, i think tokyo is great :D it's like HK, with everything being efficient/relatively cheap but better and more anime stuff around :3 and shopping there is of course great *___* but that sums it up now...

3. i have a feeling by the time hetalia comes back on 'air', i'd have grown bored of it :P which i seem to be at right now... i don't even remember how/why i got into hetalia so much... i remember not liking HK's character much... then for some reason i got into france/england then france (coz england had too many fangirls), then somehow i went on to germany OTZ but i do have hetalia to thank for my interest in european history :) i always had a small interest in history (european to be particular), but i didn't get the driving force to actually go actively find things on it? but hetalia became that driving force and now i'm half-surrounded by history books ~___~

4. this is definitely the 10th time i've been asked about my username :P when i decided to get an LJ the internet username i was using was x_destiny_x (which i still use!), or something along those lines. but when i was deciding a username for LJ, i realised that i change fandoms/favourite series too much for me to use a fandom related username for a journal that would possibly last for years. i've always liked the nickname my friends at school gave me, so i kept with the 'reg' bit. x is there because X was and still is one of my favourite series and i think it deserves to be in my username (like how KKJ would always be the first songs in my playlist because it was the series that got me into animanga). x_reg looked too short/weird so i just kept on adding g's until it looks alright, and that's how i came up with x_reggg :) i use this username in the anime soc forums as well, so it's much easier for me to respond to people IRL when they're trying to figure out who is who.

5. fencer_x the way you phrased it means i can talk about the seiyuu as well XD;;; i haven't fangirled about kengo in so long... i guess some of it i can blame it on being chinese and their ability to change fandoms much faster than western fandoms (personal observation, at least). he's still my favourite actor, and i try to keep up to date with him (hard when i'm not even completely up to date with LJ..) but he's sadly part of the 'old fandom' pile now :(
and i actually have nothing to say about hayami shou, so there's that!

okay i think that was more like "reg's thoughts on the topic xxx" but i haven't written something substantial here in ages, so there you go :)

anime society, history, lj-addict, hayami shou, ucl, kengo-sama, meme/quiz crap, bleach, uk, hetalia, uni :), mit♥, japan, hong kong, burimyu

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