(no subject)

Jan 20, 2010 14:14

omg that was kinda freaky... this guy asked me on the street randomly "oh i'm from [some website], and we're doing a special on tartan skirts. could i take a few photos of you? you look really nice blah blah blah". i said no of course (wtf i'm not following this random guy i see on the streets after he compliments on my skirt), then when i went to check online what kind of website was it (not listing it, because i'm not 100% sure myself) i found it was a porn site.

as much as i'm relieved that i didn't go sell myself to some random porn site (okay not selling myself, but you get the picture), i can't help but headdesk "so what i wear looks like it's from a porn site?!" o______O;;

what the heck is wrong.

uk, textiles

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