(no subject)

Aug 22, 2009 00:55

i hope the stuff i've decided to get at CWHK ISN'T THERE.
fuckkk i'm not spending $1000 at a doujin event ;___;

of course there's stuff i can't live without, but i have a feeling i can live without a few of these HK/asia doujins...

edit: while i'm at it (?), this canada/england fic might just win me over....

edit: why am i still up.
FRANCE ;___; why are you 12th in popularity ;____;
you're 7th in reliability tho~

oh and i saw hetalia in sogo ♥
there's apparently going to be a character book of sorts coming out soon?

hetalia, doujinshi, bai ga-ness, cwhk

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