possibly the new hetalia?it'll be interesting to watch tho XD
i need to remember to download starry sky before i leave.. i can spend my whole plane ride playing :P
oh yeah finished macross frontier :D will just c/p my thoughts from the anime society forum.
the ending made me want to smash something into pieces. it was such a stupid cheesy ending i had to remove it from memory :x
i quite liked how the whole singing thing worked out (other than the fact that it's singing), with how ranka's voice had the power to control vajra and how sheryl also had a similar ability. the V-type infection thing sounded familiar tho..?
the 'threesome' ending really annoyed me. i like alto/sheryl better than alto/ranka, but then i get annoyed at sheryl easily :P alto should've just chosen someone... or go elope with his brother. i've fangirl-ed over those practise scenes much more than necessary. the whole 'you're just acting to want to be a pilot' thing was a good thing to introduce, but then they took it nowhere :( at least give me a full kabuki!alto scene damn itttttt
i cried a bit too much when michel died too... to the state that my eyes were tearing every single time i saw klan >__> it didn't help when i spoiled myself while reading through my magazines :(