(no subject)

Mar 31, 2009 23:19

i skipped entries today ;_____;
need to wake up now and catch up next time ;____;

so um... trip back to HK.
left hall at around 530, got to heathrow at around 630?
was going to leave at 500, but then i read that bag drop starts at 615, so i decided to just to later XD;;
i was kinda stupid and checked in my crutches.. OTZ apparently you can bring them on board? :|
so i had to wait for someone to wheelchair me over to the gate and all, since i said i couldn't walk and all :P
they f-ing took like... 45 minutes?! for someone to come and pick me up.. and damn it i wanted the toilet @___@;;
anyway, went through everything really quickly (love those staff and crew only gates ♥)
then the guy just dumped me in those assistance lounge thing?
then said half an hour later someone would pick me up and show me to the gate and all?
then LEFT?!?!? :|
i have to buy stuff damn it >__>;;
it's a good thing the doctor said on friday i can walk, or else i would've wanted to kill something T___T
so went for a very slow walk for water and look for my dad's stuff, got back just in time to be picked up and buggy-ed over to the boarding gate :P
then waited with this eldery couple and went to the boarding gate first ♥
then just unpacked all my stuff and all, and sat around for the whole 12/13 hours XD;;

managed to watch a few episodes of atsuhime, slept a bit (more than a bit >__>), listened to music and continued to not be able to stand the stupid movies on BA :P
and the air vent thing above me was dripping some weird liquid the whole time damn it T___T
and the guy sitting next to me mistook me for someone he met online or something? :o

got to HK, there was those ladies with a wheelchair waiting for me ;____;
and she took me through everything, until the airport express ;____;
although she forgot to show me to the toilet >__>
so i had to get off at kowloon station and go to the toilet XD;;
then taxi-ed back home.. OTZ fuck it was expensive :x

went to see the doctor today~
he said apparently the UK doctors are more conservative?
so they say you need 6 weeks?
but then US doctors are more... risk-taking?
so they remove the cast after 4 weeks?
and HK doctors are somehow in the middle?
anyway, that means i'm getting my cast off next week!!!
but then i'll be in an air cast instead :P
i like air casts more anyway, so who cares~
and if i'm not in a cast, then it's weird if i'm in the "serious walking problems" category when i fly back XDD
and he said my fracture was... perfect XDD
like... "leng jai" XDDDDDDDD
i'm going to miss this cast :(


uk, calcium does not exist, hong kong, clamp

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