(no subject)

Mar 28, 2009 19:01

bleh okay i've procrastinated enough on this entry.

the doctor said most of the bones should be healed by now, so i can put weight on my foot :3
aka I CAN WALK!!! :DDD
but i'll still be in a cast :(
i was trying to persuade her to give me an air cast, but the ligands on the other side of my ankle are still healing (well they were tender..) so i can't get it :(
so i'm still in a full cast (the fiber glass kind :D) but with a split in the middle of the cast, so i can go on the aeroplane~
and i also have a shoe thingy, so i can walk and all :DD

the doctor said it should be completely healed (as in off cast forever yay! healed :P) by week 6, aka 2 more weeks from yesterday.
but then since i'm still in HK during that time, i have to wait for 3 more weeks :(
but they still need to take an X-ray during that check up just to check :)

so yayyyyyyy 3 more weeks then i'm done ^________^
maybe coz i was so happy for the whole time, and i was on good terms with the cast guy, i have a pretty cast :D
the saw thing you use to cut the cast is soo cool *___*
so much physics in it *___*
unlike normal saws which spin and all, this one vibrates? so it can cut through the hard cast, but then it doesn't cut through your skin *________*
it's soo cool~~~

then i'm leaving tmr back to HK~~

calcium does not exist, hong kong

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