Mar 13, 2009 16:50
so my fracture was worse (?) than the last one/than i thought.
like the place where i cracked it.. if it moves/displaces then i'll need to go an operation to fix it? :|
good thing is that it hasn't moved, but at the same time it still means i'm stuck in crutches for a LONG LONG LONGGGGG time.
which also means i'll be in a cast for an insanely long period of time...
but now instead of a plaster of paris cast (heavy, HEAVY, HEAVY. and ugly), i have a new fiberglass cast :DD
which is dark blue, coz it fits my clothes better XDDDD and is light, and pretty :D
but then i can't move it/expand it at all... since it's fiberglass @____@;;
and so i gotta keep my leg above my toes? :| higher than my chest? some scary thing like that which will most likely result in some excessive pulling in my... whatever muscle at the back of your leg.
and of course i ain't going to bother with doing that in lectures 8D
ohh and i have a nice little sock for my toes now~
nice and warm for the next fortnight~
i hope it doesn't itch or anything, or else i'm going to kill something @_____@;;
calcium does not exist