(no subject)

Jan 19, 2009 15:48

Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 19 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 19 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you, or I just needed to tag more people to get to the 19 needed.

1. my love for seiyuu is growing really fast it's scary.
2. and because of that, i've gotten slightly into games.
3. i have no 'money' over at 5c, and it's really annoying coz i can't get anything.
4. i do my weekly food shopping in a semi-expensive supermarket.
5. and i seem to buy more food than people in self-catered halls...
6. i missed my morning lecture today :(
7. and my second one too :(
8. but that was because of a stupid clash between chem and bio i have in my timetable.
9. apparently i'm really studious. my notes are usually quite long, and i copy nearly everything the lecturers say.
10. i don't get why people would miss lectures.
11. i got 78% on my metabolism test last week :D
12. fridays are 9am~6pm days spent in the chemistry building.
13. i haven't done my lab report yet :(
14. i really want to re-watch tenimyu and burimyu. but i can't get the time to do so. and i've seen it so many times.
15. i feel so out of touch of it tho. but it doesnt't help that the casts just get worse and worse.
16. i'm getting depressed for some reason. it must be the cloudy weather and listening to prisoner of love.
17. apparently you can torrent in UCL halls but not in university of london halls.
18. the stupid chemistry labs are taking away my already-small social life.
19. i want to bai ga on textbooks.

that was really.. random. and i honestly can't think of anyone to tag. see #16 XD

chemistry, 5c, seiyuu, bai ga-ness, gaming, ucl, meme/quiz crap, uni :(, uk, uni :), biology, burimyu, tenimyu

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