(no subject)

Dec 07, 2008 19:57

my lack of updates the past few days can be explained by biochemistry test (64% YAY :() and a weekend in cardiff.

which involved me missing the coach typical-reg style.
aka getting there JUST on time to see the coach leave the station.
people who've taken 41A with me/seen me take 41A will understand :(
so i had to get another ticket and wait in the station for 2 hours @___@;
and the ticket cost more then what i had to pay for the round trip ;___;

cardiff is quite fun~
well all i did was go to cardiff bay, O__O; at the roald dahl [something], finally know that cardiff is in wales (wow welsh is confusing), and feed a lot of swans/ducks/geese/seagulls/etc etc. THEY ARE SCARY AT TIMES @______@;;

laptop battery life also really amazes me. my battery normally lasts for 4 hours.
today it was going to last for 5 O__O;;

shit i missed a few hours (?) worth of entries going through my f-list.. i can't leave you for more than a day, can i LJ ;___;

bai ga-ness, late!reg, lj-addict, uk, uni :(, computer, biology, roald dahl

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