xxxholic 167 :D

Oct 14, 2008 00:55

i'm bored.
i can't sleep.

Page 1
"He is not any kin of yours
but yourself"

In the other world,
the boy was told of the shocking truth!!
Tsubasa from Weekly Shounen Magazine,
out 8th October (Wednesday) must be read!!
The twisting of the two worlds, the story has gotten a greater impact!!

Page 2
Their winding destiny, is struggling, is tied together!! The future looked upon by Yuuko's strict eyes

Page 3
Yuuko: Here
seems to be fine.

this is the place that needs protection.

Page 4
Yuuko: Until the fated day.

Page 5
Yuuko: The wand Watanuki found before,
was a fake;
but this is the one
and only "Star Wand".

It is an item left as a price by Sakura,
who inherited Clow's creation magic.

Page 6
Yuuko: The same thing
was separated into two,
for the children they love.

Watanuki was created
when Syaoran wished to change the time.

Another Syaoran.

Page 7
Yuuko: Like the egg brought back by Sakura-hime.

What should have been only one thing became two.

Two weird objects.

Page 8
Yuuko: That egg
One has also cracked according to the person's wishes.

Nothing happened to the second one,
as if it was given an extremely important mission.

Syaoran and Watanuki.

even their looks aren't the same.

This is what their parents hoped for.

In order for
both of them to not disappear.

Page 9
Yuuko: Changing Syaoran's look,
as well as name.

Using his name to cover this secret child.

The pronounciation of Watanuki's name
is from a saying where on April 1st the cotton from cotton clothing is removed.

In old magic,
in order for children to not be surrounded by spirits and sickness,
their parents would let children wear clothing with the cotton taken away,
and use the cotton taken out as a substitute (to prevent bad incidents).

Page 10
Yuuko: Watanuki Kimihiro

In order to protect that child
his birthday was put into the fake magic.

Because your name and birthday are important things.

Page 11
Yuuko: This photo
and the true name given by his parents,
that child still doesn't know.

Because of this, he has not been found by Fei Wong,
and survived without being used.

Page 12
Yuuko: And
that child's existence is still unstable and dangerous.

Because he is a person that isn't supposed to exist.

That child knows this himself,
although he doesn't have a memory, his body and heart understand.

on the road separated in half,
because his parents passed away in the world he's living in,
he believes even more "I should not be here".

there's quite a lot of mistakes.. but as a taster it should be enough :3

translation, xxxholic

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