(no subject)

Oct 12, 2008 09:57

i promised cerulean88 i'd do it... and i'm still waiting for horribleraws.

these were taken over 2 weeks, so the stuff vary :P

the main quad/portico :3 this was during the international student orientation program, so there's tons of people :P

the entrance to the main library. this is inside the quad, and despite the super modern look, the actual library is really old :x

the UCLU building :3 i have a lecture here... OTZ

the chemistry building, where everyone tries to get into and fial every hour D: i think they have the 2 largest lecture theatres/auditoriums?

a not-really-but-let's-pretend-it-is 360 tour of my room :D

i just noticed i convienently never took a picture of my laundry bag/shoes part of the room XDD if anyone wants to know, they're right underneath the scenery posters :P
okay they're up XD

i really like close-ups of my tables and stuff :P

this is just going to be various views from my room. you can see st paul's, london eye, and a lot of the stuff over that side of london :P again, taken at different times on different days~

and there ends my pic post :D

uni :), pic post

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