(no subject)

Oct 01, 2008 23:19

if after a month i'm still getting stupid FP1 maths in my maths course, i'm going to go buy the reccommended text for the math courses actual mathematicians do.
who gives a shit about quadratics T__T
yes, i am not liking my maths course AT ALL :)

i did manage to miss my 9am lecture this morning 8D
very proud of myself :)

and tomorrow is the only day i can sleep in for a bit!! coz i don't have chemistry at 9am :D why do we have to do chemistry at 9am anyway. it's stupid :x
not that stupid maths at 10am is much difference.
the lecturer sucks as well? i mean.. he can't even do a simple multiplication correct!
9th best university in the world my ass T__T

i really need to go reply comments soon.
i want the new anime season to be out soon :(

uni :(, chemistry, uni :|, lj-addict, maths

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