(no subject)

Aug 11, 2008 02:35

hehe icon change :)

i need to wake up early to watch the olympics -____-
and i think i need to find a hong kong flag icon or something XD


(x) You love hoodies
(x) You love jeans.
() Dogs are better than cats.
(x) It's hilarious when people get hurt.
(x) You've played with/against boys on a team.
(x) Shopping is torture.
(x) Sad movies suck.
() You own an X-Box.
() Played with Hotwheels cars as a kid.
() At some point in time you wanted to be a fire-fighter.
() You own a DS, PS2 or Sega. [I WANT ONE]
() You used to be obsessed with Power Rangers.
(x) You watch sports on TV. [Olympics + World Cup only]
() Gory movies are cool.
(x) You go to your dad for advice.
() You own like a trillion baseball caps.
() You like going to football games.
() You used to/do collect baseball cards.
() Baggy pants are cool to wear.
(x) It's kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people.
(x) Green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favourite colours.
(x) You love to go crazy and not care what people think.
() Sports are fun.
(x) Talk with food in your mouth.
() Wear boxers.

Boy: 12


() You wear lip gloss. [not on a normal basis]
(x) You love to shop.
() You wear eyeliner.
() You have some of the same shirts in different colours.
(x) You wear the colour pink.
(x) Go to your mom for advice.
() You consider cheerleading a sport.
() You hate wearing the colour black.
(x) You like hanging out at the mall.
() You like getting manicures and/or pedicures.
() You like wearing jewelery.
(x) Skirts are a big part of your wardrobe.
(x) Shopping is one of your favourite hobbies.
(x) You don't like the movie Star Wars. [I only like one scene in the whole 6-ology]
() You are/were in cheerleading, gymnastics or dance.
() It takes you around 1 hour to shower, get dressed, and put on make-up and accessories.
() You smile a lot more than you should.
() You have more than 10 pairs of shoes.
(x) You care about what you look like.
() You like wearing dresses when you can.
() You like wearing body spray/perfume/cologne.
(x) You wear girl underwear.
() Used to play with dolls as little kid.
() Like putting make-up on someone else for the joy of it
() Like taking pictures of yourself with your cell phone/camera when you're bored.

Girl: 9

Boy: 12
Girl: 9


#125: i pay attention to the ending images because they look like X :D
#149: i get mixed up a lot between them...

#101: exactly why asking for cosplay pictures in ani-com is so weird XD
#127: i still wish he was real. at least some of his gadgets :( I WANT THAT DOOR.
#139: does that mean we should start snipping out CLAMP? :D 5th year, and still waiting :(
#151: AGREEE. it actually feels weird they're back together.. i wasn't a huge fan, but still :x

1)do you have a wide group of friends ?
well depends on your definition of friends yeah? small either way tho.

2)if you're in trouble , will your friends 'fly' to help you ?
depends where i am yeah? XD

3)will you sacrifice your most precious thing for your friends?
well depends what for. haha what is my most precious thing anyways :P

4)do you believe in BFF?
i stopped believing in best friends after.. year 5-ish :P but i have people i want to be friends with, no matter what happens.

5)do you think a straight guy and a woman can just be platonic friends?
yeah .__.

6)do you have a male friend whom you can trust with almost everything?
yup. if he counts as a guy ;)

7)do you think friends should tell each other everything?
nope. you don't need to tell your friends everything for the both of you to be friends :x

8)if your friends are in trouble, what will you do ?
help as much as possible? if they rather i don't bother them and ask their other friends, i'll happily do so :)

9)in future , if your friends get married and ask you to be their best man , will you agree?
haha i can't be best man, but yeah course :)

10)what if your enemy calls you one day to make peace?
i don't think i have enemies..

11)what will you do to a friend whom you trust deeply, betrayed you?
continue to be friends with them? i cling to friendship a bit too much XD

12)if your friend snatches your girlfriend/boyfriend away, will you hate him or her completely?
him or her as in the friend? or the boyfriend? either way, won't hate either. it's their choice what they want to do.

13)what if there is a girl that has liked your friend for quite some time, tells you that she needs your help to win the heart of your friend, will you help her?
nope. i fail at these things.

14)do your parents think your friends are a bad influence?
my mum thinks some of them are, since she's a typical chinese mum -__-

15)what will you tell your parents if they asked you to transfer school, which means losing all your closest friends?
wouldn't happen. i'm in the process of transferring damn it XD

16)if your friend organizes a once in a life time party, but your family doesn’t allow you to go , will you sulk/throw a temper/sneak out/don’t go?
well depends how big of a friend i am with them. most chances i wouldn't lose a thing. stupid drinkers.

17)how will you describe your friendship relationship with your friends?
slightly strained and weird. two different groups.

18)define friendship.
people you can trust? and have a good time with?

19)name 20 people whom you can think right now .don’t read the questions until you named the 20 people . at the end , choose 5 people to do this.
1. mum
2. cerulean88
3. streetrat
4. interweaving
5. defade
6. midnightbanshee
7. yt
8. intinerious
9. jess
10. monica
11. swetha
12 convertabrate
13. phantomphan1990
14. florence
15. chibiyuuto
16. inarikami
17. juudenkanryou
18. asazuki_satoka
19. saorren
20. illeistic

where did you meet no. 14?
uh.. qbs year 2?

what will you do if you never meet no. 1?
never meet my mum again? or never met her in the first place? XD i wouldn't exactly be here either way..

what if no. 9 & no. 20 dated?
uh... they don't know each other.

will no. 6 & no. 17 date?
they don't know each other either XD

describe no. 3.
she taught me the art of spamming 8D she's as loud as you can get on LJ and has her ups and downs, but she's a great friend :)

describe no. 7.
my longest friend? shy, but can be really loud if she wants to o_O;

do you know any of no.12’s family?
i've seen her mum, dad, older sister and older brother before :)

what will you do if no.18 confess to you that he/she likes you?
whut D:

what language does no.15 speak ?
engish and the language people in brazil speak? *VERY ignorant when it comes to geography related things*

how old is no.16?
older than 18 :D

when is the last time you spoke to no.13?
spoke in person? 2 months ago? LJ comments? hours ago :P

who is no.2 favorite band or singer?
no idea..

would you ever date no. 4?
HAHHAAHAHHAAHAHAHAHHHAHA depends on definition of dating :)

would you ever date no. 1?
that's... incest >__> so no.

is no. 19 single?
no idea..
no :D

would you ever be in a relationship with no.11?
i'm in a friendship relationship with her :D

school of no. 3?
grey coat :D

where does no. 6 live?
she used to live less than 5 minutes away from me, but now she moved to a district i forgot the name of.. sha tin?

what is your favourite thing about no.5?

have you seen no. 2 naked?
...why is there so much no. 2 stuff? and no >__>

wht is no.8's nickname?
*prepares to die*

icon change, code geass, olympics, x, australia, x japan, ouran, meme/quiz crap, bleach, doraemon, death note, fandomsecrets, hong kong, clamp, ani-com

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