台风14号もんしろ report

Aug 09, 2008 16:25

really quick translation of the report:

i'll assume we know what kind of people they all are. because i never remembered XD names are what the report gave me, so yeah. there's not a lot of character names anyways.

the monshiro bus is heading to kyoto with 11 passengers including the driver. the day before the trip to kyoto, 真智子 (miki) accepts 靖文's (renn) confession by saying OK. 靖文 keeps on thinking that she's not serious, so he keeps on asking her on the bus why did she say OK and 真智子 mumbles that she might be slightly lonely [so she accepts the confession]. 升太 (takki), who's been sleeping all this time, suddenly wakes up and asks what are they talking about. 真智子 and 靖文 instantly pretend to sleep and don't let 升太 know.

the typhoon gets stronger, but the people in the bus don't know and the bus breaks down as it tries to get through. when everyone is complaning/talking, lisa (jasmaine) says she hears something and they see that the flood water no far away is heading to their direction. as they are freaking out they'll be washed away by the flood, 善郎 (genki) saves lisa and they all climb to the top of the bus and temporarily settle down.

the flood continues to rise, and the 11 people stuck up there try to connect to the outer world so they can get assistance and save them. 靖文's phone is first found, but it was thrown away by this woman who's bankrupt and wants to die. after settling the problem of the suicidal woman, the phone of this man having an affair's phone rings, but he's scared the call will leak his affair out so the phone gets broken -__-

during this time, 真智子 and 靖文 break out into a fight from time to time, and their relationship gets discovered by 升太. 升太 is furious and says they can't be together; he forcefully asks 真智子 if she actually likes anyone else and it turns into a fight between 靖文 and 升太. at this time, 真智子 stands up and shouts "don't fight because of me!" (everyone laughs) [takki apparently spat on renn quite a bit when they were fighting XD]

after the 11 people go through the mobile incident, they think of making a rope with bits of cloth and make one person swim for rescue. 善郎 goes into the water and wins the heart of lisa. [genki's hair is too long XD makes it look like that really scary long haired woman D:] the 4 woman all fall for him and hug him etc. finally the guys couldn't stand it any more and start to pull the women away: 靖文 pulls 真智子 away, the affair guy pulls his lover, the husband of the suicidal woman pulls her away and lisa just continues to hug 善郎 XD

when they have all tried everything to get rescued, they see a person far away swiming towards them. this guy is called 小柴 (nakagawa shougo?) and don't give the bus people any hope at all D: he had food with him, but he just ate all he wanted and threw everything he didn't like away. he also wanted to die together with the affair guy's lover?

seeing the flood is continuing to rise/getting nearer and the bus is about to be completely drowned, they start getting despaired. the problem of who does 真智子 like comes into the spotlight. 真智子 tried to confess to 升太 numerous times but failed. in the end 升太 confesses instead:

"the person i like is you! 靖文!"

after 升太's character is exposed, he starts walking like a girl and sticks to 靖文 like a girl -__- but in the end he lets 靖文 and 真智子 stay together.

in the end a helicopter comes and saves them all :D

when i watch the opening ceremony from BBC and like pearl, i start to hate jade more and more. CAN'T THEY JUST FHUT THE FUCK UP? T___________________T
they talk over EVERYTHING. especially in the opening ceremony. i'm fine with them during competitions, BUT FUCK JUST SHUT UP IN THE OPENING CEREMONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T_______________T

and it's good that the aussie sporting uniforms are green and yellow :) yays :D

translation, takiguchi yukihiro, 5c, olympics, australia, satou miki, hong kong

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