(no subject)

Jun 15, 2008 01:49

i have no idea why, but i hate it when people say the humanities aren't sciences.
i only found out it annoys me so much when on tsr XD
coz i tend to get really pissed when people start saying geography in particular isn't a science :P
not because i like geography, cerulean88 :P

i hate it when people think any of the humanities are not a science..
just because it's not a natural science, it doesn't mean they aren't a science.
haven't they heard of something called social sciences?
heck, have they even seen the definition of "science"?
science is just a study of something, damn it!
history is a science. economics is a science. heck, even textiles can be a science.
nearly everything we study in school is a science.
just because you normally associate science with bio/chem/physics, it doesn't mean science = bio + chem + physics.
there are a lot more areas in natural science other than that.

why am i on TSR and not doing FP2/FP3 anyways?
oh great i'm screwed.

why kazuki, why.
i think he did this before too.
but still. WHY.

*pnish*, katou kazuki, maths, thestudentroom, nerd 8)

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