(no subject)

May 16, 2008 08:42

i.. JUST found out what role 2nd!momo was doing in zettai kareshi..
after 5 episodes XD

stupid fatty technican -_____-

night's jealousy program is SCARY :(((

i got the pamphlet~~~
but i'm absolutely poor now XD
thank god it's exams so i can't go out + i'm staying at home
so no transportation cost and no food cost :D
just... taxi cost if i miss the bus again -____-

AND enako_a!!!
you will be pleased to know.
kengo is in a drama :3
well everyone should be happy about that.
HE'S IN IT WITH YAMAPI ;))))))))))
if 2ch is correct, which it always is if the board is small.
so yeah :D
new drama to look forward to in july :D
it's called code blue by the way.
medicial drama?

hakana, bai ga-ness, yahoo japan auctions, episode review, zettai kareshi, kengo-sama, tenimyu

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