(no subject)

May 06, 2008 19:37


but i have absolutely no idea how to get it XD

coz i'm bored + sick of maths. pic post #3

these were taken mainly in kanazawa. hence, i'm not bothered to give captions.


this is apparently something unique to kanazawa. to prevent the trees crashing down during winter, they have this umbrella shaped pole/log right next to the trees to hold them up during the winter~

completely irrelevent, but i thought it was cute :3


has someone figured out why i was even bothered to go to this garden? XD




these two photos are linked ^^; well.. i was just interested in it :P


people in kanazawa really like putting different flowers together in one pot..

this plant is really interesting.. no idea what is it called tho.

i was going to put more, but i didn't want to kill anyone's computer even further XD

i think i have... first day photos, tokyo photos and kanazawa civilisation left :3 it'll take 2 more pic posts tho XDD

japan trip 08, 5c, pic post, tenimyu

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