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May 02, 2008 21:03

sometimes i really question my stupidity about downloads.... i spent the whole day downloading juudenkanryou's rip of haru kaze, THEN i remember that i fail at watch stuff with no subtitles and find a subbed version of it over at 5c... OTZ

wtf at him wearing a mao shirt for the signing thing XDDDDDDDDDDDD


-GI YOU ARE THE MAN OF MY DREAMS *______________________________________* /6 minutes in
*has a sudden liking for katou keisuke*

-why is it every main character's uniform is lighter than the others? is this on purpose or... -____-"

-the second time i see the flying curry scene, the first think i think of is.. "i'm hungry" DDD: I NEED TO STOP EATING.

-oh stupid takumi... who the heck passes out that quickly? D: unless it was super painful, which i doubt D:

-...i am truly not good with RL BL :(

-GAAA THIS IS GETTING TYPICAL. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ga stupid rich boy faling in love with main character setting T__________________T

-my.. 2/3 years of violin learning tells me that this is quite... staged XD and they keep on playing the f-ing TYPICAL songs!!! my nodame soul is crying XDD

-here we go at typical again -___________-"" I WANT TAKUMI'S PAST DAMN IT

-OHHHHHHHHHHHH so they use the same technique as hakana!!! side shots!!! I GET THIS NOW 8DDD stupid movie producers XD

-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i truly have a RLBL-phobia D: why do they have to talk about his past abused self DURING SEX. WHAT THE SHIT.
ohhh brother :DDD incest :DDD ...die brother die

-wtf his brother's grave... is HUGE O__O;;

5c, haru kaze, nodame cantabile, violin, katou keisuke, yaoi, kawai ryunosuke, rlbl-phobia

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