(no subject)

Apr 13, 2008 14:39

anyone doing computer science, i understand you.
anyone doing economics, i understand you.
anyone doing logistics, i understand you.

if there is one thing that needs to be shot in this world, then thrown into a black hole,

screw that crazy idiot who invented it.
and that nash guy, and whoever started game theory.

i don't believe i spent 4 hours doing f-ing tables over and over again.
and never getting to the answer.

*stabs her D2 book*


answers from this meme thing

#1: At that moment, he couldn’t remember who or where he was before the sadness. He suddenly couldn’t bear to be alone. He slid his hand across the sheets, stretching his arm, expecting to feel the same emptiness that hounded him to no end.

But this time, he sensed warmth.
Title: Chasing Harry
Author: Passo
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Tom/Harry
Comment: THIS IS SAD. BUT GOOD. VERY GOOD. good take on a typical romance storyline (friends get into a one night stand, separate from each other, somehow they get back together).

#2: He still stares at Seishirou’s image through the glass, the full weight of his realization sneaking upon him.

They were the same.

Black and white. Darkness and light. Made to be opposites, but also made together. One could not exist without the other.
Title: Carry Your Reflection
Fandom: X
Pairing: Seishirou/Subaru
Comment: i... haven't read this in ages XD but i liked it enough to keep it for 6 years XD

#3: "Draco, don't allow me to grow impatient. Tell me that you want me, and you can have me." He smiles and presses his lips against mine for a moment before pulling away.

I do not want him like this. He is everything I want and need, but I need to hear him beg for me, not the other way around. I will not admit that he has this much power over me.

"I don't want you Potter."
Title: Sweet Torture
Author: Kali-Exorin
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Comment: my first H/D fanfic :3 short and simple. but the type of fanfic i was used to reading (i was into sei/sub before going to harry/draco)

#4: "That was me."

"Not you, never you." Harry kissed him again, this time possessive and hard. "Another life time, another time line."
Title: A Single Love
Author: Vera
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry/Tom
Comment: this is an AU. and i don't like AUs much. but the summary was very tempting, so i did read it XD the basic storyline is that harry goes back in time to kill tom riddle, only to adopt him as his own kid. and uh... UST appears.

#5: "Tell me something. You’re attracted to me, aren’t you?"

"The hell I’m not..."

"Really now? You wouldn’t be willing to do this if you’re not attracted to me even just a little bit."
Title: Teenage Dirtbag
Author: kamui_kinomoto :D
Fandom: X
Pairing: Fuuma/Kamui, Seishirou/Subaru (?)
Comment: this was the bonus extra :3 i really liked the school setting and the seishirou/subaru action was a great bonus ♥ i also read the meteor garden style fanfic too XDD but i didn't finish it :P

#6: "I really don't want to do this."

Tom laughed slightly. "Do you really think it matters what you want?"
Title: From the Rose, Comes the Thorn
Author: Calliopiea
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Voldemort/Harry
Comment: second part of a triology that ever became a triology :( the first part was called bound, and obviously it's about 2 people (guess XD) being bounded :P

i would have putten more, but the others i like for the smut more than the actual story XDD

harry potter, game theory, x, logistics, economics, meme/quiz crap, yaoi, decision maths, maths

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