(no subject)

Apr 11, 2008 23:44

i was going to post this this morning/last night, but i had to sleep XD
last night i finally got off my lazy ass and went to stuff the hakana summary into a translator and see what the story was about.
yes, i had no idea what was it about XD well i knew hakana was this super-pretty prostitute, but that was it.

i wanna watch it in person really, but i can't XD
kengo's role is soooooo different from normal *____________*
and it does sound like a love story :P
and it sounds quite sad, from my view.
the main page/summary for those good at japanese.

A lonesome wanderer without a family, wife and children, or a childhood friend he could trust from his heart.
The sticky-fingered, filthy gambler Reijirou.

One day the pennyless 鬼シゲ challenged Reijirou to a gamble with the best woman in the world.
Of course Reijirou, who was blessed by the Goddess of luck Saigoro-hime, couldn't possibly lose.

The beautiful woman 鬼シゲ prepared for the gamble was created from dead bodies at a graveyard, and given the soul of a baby that died right after it's birth.

But this woman could not have a relationship with anyone within 100 days of her birth. If she had a relationship with someone before 100 days passed, her body would turn into water and disappear.
She is known to be, as illusional as a dream, "Hakana".

A female with the body of a woman but the heart of a child. Reijirou controlled his desires and received Hakana. Together with Reijirou, Hakana was going to raised with bad manners. The monk Taemi suggested to keep Hakana in the temple to be educated, but Reijirou was against this idea and challenged Taemi to a game of dice.
For some reason, Reijirou couldn't hear the sound of Saigoro-hime's bells and easily lost. After that moment, Reijirou continued to lose day after day.

Hakana learnt a woman's culture and speech to make men happy, for the sake of Reijirou.
But he did not seem pleased.
Hakana tried frantically to convey her idea of Reijorou quitting gambling and live with her. But Reijirou wouldn't listen to anyone and wouldn't be stopped.
At this time, the bells of Saigoro-hime were heard.
Reijirou claimed "I have no choice but to gamble" and ran off.

He borrowed 100両 and visited Taemi, and when Taemi let him inside, Reijirou stabbed Taemi to death.
When Hakana scolded him "Why did you do such a thing?" in tears, Reijirou decided to have one final game.
"This is the end, it's the final game, if I get 200両 I'll buy a piece of land and live together with Hakana. And live to redeem myself."

The nemesis of Reijirou, ゾロ政, challenged Reijirou to a final game. Just like that, the 100両 was gone and Hakana was used to bet. The relying sound of Saigoro-hime's bells could not be heard until the end.

Hakana became a prostitute.
She gained huge popularity and got the name of "Sasezu Tayuu".
And so, it was the 99th day.
One more day, and Hakana's dream would come true.
The wandering Reijirou hid himself and watched over Hakana.

One more day and Hakana would become a human... Becoming a human, Hakana's dream of being with Reijirou...

the bolded words are names, the italic bits are the bits i'm not sure of, and the line of japanese? absolutely no idea XD

this is basically me trying to make sense of WWWJDIC :P

and i just watered again while writing this summary -___________-
i need to read pr0n.

hakana, "good"@japanese

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