(no subject)

Apr 02, 2008 16:34

#9.. aiyah cerulean88~~~~

i don't know if you need it juudenkanryou, but tokyo ghost trip jpseek link :D

and there's this auction for tenimyu in TAIWAN?? confusing~

and apparently all portable DVD players in hong kong are region free 8DDDDDDDD
and i can treat it as a DVD player :DDDDDDDDDDD
now to actually choose specially which ones to buy :x
they are soooo expensive tho D:
plain DVD players are so much more cheaper :(

this sony one, or
this philips one...
or should i just listen to my mum and not buy it T_____T
i mean i can change my computer DVD region, but then there's only a set number of times you can do it yeah? D: i don't want to use them....
and i'm against changing the deep-inside-bits-of-the-computer-i-don't-know-the-name-of T___T

takiguchi yukihiro, fandomsecrets, hong kong, tenimyu

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