i figured i'll type up what was on the pamphlet since i haven't seen anything about it yet on
burimyu :D this is the bit on the CD (which is on the official webpage) and the confusing bit i didn't get. SO JAPANESE PEOPLE HELP :)
CD & DVD「BLEACH/もう一つの地上」
1.BLEACH -Studio mix-
2. もう一つの地上-Studio mix-
CD 初のスタジオレコーディング ver. 取錄
DVD 一護・ルキア・恋次・白哉のスペシャル映像!
The ALL・bankai SHOW:code002 のDVD2本と、アニプレックスより8月に発売されるCD3つ全てをアニメイトで(preorder)された方(limited)で、3本すばて(included)できる(specially made)ボックスをプレセント!
obviously i can read kanji but it isn't my strong point in writing it back out. i have a feeling this just means the BLEACH/mou hitotsu no chijou CD, but i do hope otherwise :(
ANYWAYS, i need your help for something else. due to change of plan, i'm getting back into tokyo at around 2pm tomorrow (27/3). which means i have enough time to stuff in the first show of bankai show. should i try and go through lottery? the first day for the all was nearly full. out of the 1000 or so seats, only less than 10 from what i could see were empty. should i try for it, even if i'm going on the 28th anyways? or should i just use that time to do something else...