(no subject)

Jan 26, 2008 16:19

i want to pour benzene on mr emery :((((

what do you mean i got a C for chemistry!??!?!? O______O;;
okay i know my test grades and stuff fluctuate as much as the hang seng index, but a C??
common man, at least a B la D: i've got As in my tests before, and i generally don't revise for tests; i like knowing how much i remember after the lessons compared to how much can i cram into my brain the night before :x

ahhh this is crazy. last year attainment grade A, now C :(
i'm gonna get an A in chemistry and said IN YOUR FACE >:( in june.

mr morris and mrs williams think too much of me.
attainment grade BC but they want me to get AB? XDDDD
actually no, that's alright... i'm hoping for an A/B anyways, but crap they're gonna kill me for unit 4 XD

maths and physics, i have no comment. i don't care 8D

i'm surprised for general studies tho. A? ME? SCIENCE STUDENT? A IN CULTURE AND ART??????
mrs wilson you are severely overestimating me.

oh yes, SATs. i was LATE XDDDD by like 5 minutes, but mr campion was great and let me do it anyways, coz they were waiting for others to come as well :P i have a feeling i only did bad my second time in the english sections coz the passages sucked (i found out last night i was actually crap at the passage reading but okay at the stupid vocab XD) but this time i liked all the passages so yay!!! and the esay prompt was good :D but as always i went off-topic and didn't finish it on time XD ahhh my writing scores are gonna suffer :P good thing was the extra section was maths, which is always good ♥

i find it so weird i'm worst at the subjects i want to do in university. really does show what you like =/= what you're good at sometimes. or just that being lazy has a big effect on your grades. aww man :((( i need emo songs now. where is X japan? and my chemistry textbook? and bio? i swear i'll read the whole chemistry textbook and beat intinerious T___T not that i really want to be a "chemistry nerd".

chemistry, natural sciences, biology, stupid!reg, school :(, sat

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