(no subject)

Nov 26, 2007 16:44

:DDDD yaay for DN Angel! :D

still. i want my X back. about 5 years we've been waiting. on that f-ing cliffhanger.
yes, we got the tokyo arc. but whatever. i want X back :(

omg the MIT guy replied me @__@;; i was soo scared i couldn't open the e-mail DDD:
i opened it...

and found it was just his secretary >__>

got the majority of my SAT books too. let's hope they aren't as crap as kaplan >__> 760 on writing my ass T_T

ohhh masa~~ congrats? XD

nakagauchi masataka, x, interviews, tsubasa, dn angel, mit♥, uni apps, sat

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