Well, hence all my LJ homies have left the Live side and converted to Xanga... I suppose I shall do the same, I don't want to be a loner. Because really, LJ is all just a big bucket of writing random things about your day to your friends and such. Anyways, I had to get up all early for practice and dress rehersal today. I kind of rambled around the house grumbling about crap when people tried to ask me questions. I highly dislike it when my parents try to ask me questions when I tired. It just bothers me... when I'm tired, I want to be alone and such. But whatever. Anyways, Maja Mandi picked me up and we went to Youtheatre. We just kind of stood there and socialized with Sage and Dean for a while, and then went into the rehersal room. The directors (who don't really do anything by the way) wanted to practice the bedroom scene, so Hailey, Toady, Dean, and I went with Jason to reherse some random scene that Hailey freaks out about for no apparent reason. Anyways, we just ended up socializing with Jason and then went back to the rehersal room. Hailey, Sage, and I were bored so we went to 7-11 and ditched the rest of practice that we really didn't need anyways. We ate in the kitchen and Dean came in saying that the little kids were pissed at us for leaving and getting food. Dean thought it was hilarious and sat with us and ate (he's really not much of a kid person). Mary came in too, because she had a headache and was annoyed by the little kids. Jason got her some pills, and we all talked to Jason some more, until the little kids came in the kitchen and harassed us, so Hailey, Sage, and I left and watched a half of a play. Then, we went backstage and got ready. Getting ready is one of the best parts of the show, besides the actually performing itself. I caked glitter all over my eyes with these shiny things. I also had on purple lipstick and put chopsticks in my hair. Along with my pink pimp jacket, black dress, arm socks zebra shoes, and mismatching socks. I was told I looked like a raggy dog (by Dean) and a 'Japanese Brat' (by Brain. I haven't the slightest clue what a Japanese Brat is... but hey... that kid's got a vivid imagination). I was thinking more along the lines of some sort of raggidy-high-on-ecstasy- morning-hooker. But whatever. Anyways, some random kid was like dancing with me and kept on telling me I was awesome, Dean taught me about meditation, and I just kind of sat there. The play before us got let out late, so we got a late start. Things got even worse when we got offstage, the lights were malfunctioning, and Dean was getting pretty ticked off. All the directors were arguing and we discovered that it's the directors fault that our play sucks. They didn't give us the changes in time, and they don't know what they're doing. Anyways, we were about ready to leave, but we finally started. We didn't start until quarter to three, when the rehersal was supposed to end at three. Yeah, pretty much screwed. They gave us extra time though. Dean and I's scene went really good. We got the shower line in, and got pretty much all of our lines in, whilst improvising at the same time. It was awesome. While backstage, Dean ambushed my arm socks, so I wore his watch and sweatband. Our next scene came on, and we cut it kind of short. Hailey kind of always freaks out when we do this beacause Dean and I like to improvise and ad lib, but she's more of a word-for-word, script chick. Hey, differnt strokes for different folks. Anyways, we went backstage and danced and quietly socialized about random things. The bedroom scene that usually takes an hour went by in like 10 minutes, and everything else went well... until the slumber party scene. DUH DUH DUUUUH! Okay anyways, Mary didn't say her cue that cues in Dean and I to go peak out and hide, and it got screwed up and didn't make sense. We did our hiding thing, and there was like a dead pause between all the sleepover girls, Hailey was supposed to go on and such, but she never did, and there was this dead pause, so Dean stood up and said our crap. The rest of the ending went well, except for Hailey was like 'BAH!!!!! DEAN SCREWED IT UP!' When really, he didn't, she kind of did... but that's okay, I love her anyways. Anyways, we all went home and such, and I slept on the couch, because the showbusiness gets me freeking tired. Anyways, here I am, waking up and such. I know like none of you had no idea what I'm talking about beacuse you haven't seen our sucky play, but you all should come see it! It's playing tomorrow at 7:00pm at the Bay City Players! It's pretty cool, in a sucky way, for the most part. I recomend you come to appriciate my acting skills. Anyways, I shall end this long entry that doesn't make sense to any of you with a quote:
"Death is not the greatest loss in life... the greatest loss in life is what dies within us while we are living." -Dean
Yeah, I made him write it in my script because it was deep and freeking rad.