Meme: XP canon vs. Comics/Movie canon

Aug 20, 2013 16:02

So, we haven't had a meme in a while, and I was thinking of this the other day. Besides, work is driving me crazy and I need stuff to read.

Name 5 ways the XP version of your character is different from their comics or movie canon.

Amanda Sefton/Dayspring (x_wytchbrat vs. canon)

1) XP Amanda is a mutant. 'Cause that was/is the rule for XP characters with powers, they have to be mutants. So Amanda has the power to convert energy into magic.

2) XP Amanda didn't grow up with a German circus family - she was taken by a bad man and raised in England as a magical battery.

3) XP Amanda is not romantically involved with her adopted brother Kurt Wagner. At all. Way to be creepy there, Marvel.

4) XP Amanda is not and never has been a stewardess. She came to the school as a 16 year old street brat, under the supervision of Pete Wisdom, for training with her mutant powers and somewhere safe to keep her out of trouble.


5) Comics Amanda also never dated Manuel de la Rocha aka Empath. XP Amanda had a fairly long-term relationship with him (about 3 years, iirc), that was fraught with drama, emotional manipulation and lots of sex.

Yvette Petrovic/Penance (x_penance vs. canon

1) XP Penance is the daughter of an Albanian Muslim woman who was raped during the later part of the war by a Serbian soldier. Canon Yvette... isn't. I actually developed the Penance character based on early Generation X development hints, where it was intended that Penance be a Yugoslavian war survivor by the name of Yvette. I wasn't 100% comfortable with writing a religion I wasn't very familiar with, so rather than botch it, I made Yvette's mother (and Yvette, by extension), atheist following her traumatic experience and her family's response to it.

2) XP Penance was born in a Red Cross refugee camp and named by the French doctor who delivered her. Since "Yvette" isn't a Slavic name, thank you Marvel.

3) XP Penance can talk. Mostly because trying to RP her completely mute and without Artie's handy powers workaround was just too difficult to face.

4) There is no family relationship of any kind between XP Penance and the St. Croix family. Marius bought her while he was in Europe, as a 'cure' for his maladaptive mutation, and while she remains his friend, they don't consider each other family. Also, Marius isn't evil in XP. ;)

5) XP Penance doesn't have the resistance to telepathy that canon Penance/Hollow does. There didn't really seem a reason to need it.

(Extra: also, I hadn't realised this, but apparently Penance was on the list on Stryker's computer files in X2.)

Anyone game to go next?


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