Nov 18, 2004 18:43
FUCKING PRELIMS!!!! i had been toying eith the idea of how nice it would be to go to university and study english.It was just a stupid idea but i said something to Brain and then he told my mum so she started talking about it and what I'd need and i completely freaked. I don't know why but I did I even burst into tears :s .I think it's because I just know in my bones that I'm going to fail everything and even if i do pass they wont be good enough grades to get into university and i don't want to be a failure. Somehow its not helping me when people in the year above me tell me its not as bad as they make it out to be, it just seems to make me worse.Also the fact Maxay failed a lot of her stuff and she's one of the smartest people I know.
God I hate school.