Okay, so cosplay-making is underway once more! This time, I'm preparing my costumes for Amecon 2010, and I will be cosplaying Mizu Natsuki's version of Der Tod (in the Ai to Shi no Rondo costume), and Tomochin's version of Edgeworth from Phoenix Wright 2.
One of the main reasons for my cosplaying Mizu Natsuki's Der Tod though, is 'cause.. well, hers is my favourite Der Tod. And it was the first role I saw her in. Plus it was her Top Star debut in the Grand Theater. And I LOVE Mizu so hard... <3 And also because I'd like the oppertunity to get some pics taken, and maybe send her a few with a letter. I want Mizu to acknowledge how much I support her. She IS the main reason I got into liking Zuka, after all. Ahh Chika-san <3
Anyway, yesterday I did a quick makeup test for Der Tod (minus the false eyelashes) with my nice unfinished and unstyled wig. The costume is barely done, as well... my coat needs sleeves and a collar! And I need boots and trousers and a sash... and a nice shiny shirt. And sparkles, lots of sparkles!
Have a picture, anyway. There's no way I can do Chika-san justice with this cosplay, but I can at least try. I <3 Mizu Natsuki~~
~Shineba ii!~