Feb 27, 2005 19:26
well...im sitting here eatting an orange *yummie* =) today i talked too angie she is a sweet person..and can do soooooooooooooooooooooo forkin much better than anthony...just like i can do alot better..we dont need that shit at all! we are alott better off..w/ him hes sucha a player!!!! he said all the same things he said too her too me too! and it all came together..me and angie are soooooooo totally alike its unbelivable! but w/ anthony its freaky its like he picked us like..woah! weird right? i know..but we are soooooo gonna get over anthony! b/c we are strong and we dont need any of his B.S right angie? lol hehe we have too sooooo totally hang out once you come too visit or come back or something! that would be soooooo totally funn! hehehe it was sooooo much funn we like talked for like ever! but t'was funfun! teeheehee..and im glad i got too talk too you today dudette! i heart you!!! we are so gonna get him "PAYBACK BITCH" lol weehee!
well later dudes!