Thu, 02:12: man, i love al yankovic. please follow him if you don't already. you'll thank me later! he's such a funny man! @ alyankovic =]
Thu, 02:27: i just followed a shitton of my followers because i'm in a "sweet" mood. better impress me or you're dead. no pressure or anything. haha
Thu, 04:31: cannot WAIT to go to LA after i finish making my portfolio! i've been playing with makeup like a 3 year old for like a week now. =] excited.
Thu, 06:59: i'm like a dude. i've this movie on mute. i'm just watching adrien brody with my itunes playing. haha. #perv
Thu, 07:04: do you act? - i do when i'm in LA! =] this applies to everyday life. gotta love being fake!
Thu, 07:07: i'm a great multitasker. hahaha j/k why are we so gross? i get it from you. RT @ kittun DJ Diddles?! ;p
Thu, 07:12: DUDE>> HE IS. SO. FUCKING. HOT. i love his method acting. hahaha i'm so full of shit. i've got a fetish for weird looking guys. #adrienbrody
Thu, 10:13: dude's trippin. just asked me why i didnt sneak him into my house. UH HELLO, i only do that ONCE a week. & we all now how that went. *wink*
Thu, 10:34: TMI, but whatever. the other night this guy i have a crush on came over at like 2:30. i had to sneak him. (cont)