Mar 26, 2006 17:40
Life sucks! Hooray!
Crazy bad weekend. Overdosed on painkillers and had the worst Friday night I can remember. Actually, that's a lie. Anyway. Beat Pokemon Red twice. Yeah that's right. Twice. Drowned my self in Sudoku and Rod Stewart. Wrote a 5 page book review on a book I never opened. Lost at putt-putt and bowling. Got too fat to even think about going to prom. Even the stupid, fat redhead boy at my church hates me. I should be shot.
Had a crazy dream in which I made out with three different boys, their names will be disclosed for their personal safety, and woke up and had to turn on my fan because I was really hot. Which makes me think I need a boyfriend, or something of the like.
Life has totally rejected me. Oh well. I'm going to keep going, just because I'm actually passing all my classes. At least I'm still semi-happy!