Pinched from
svgurl :D
Six ships you're into right now
1. Harry/Tom (HP)
2. Cable/Deadpool (Marvel)
3. Goku/Vegeta (*bows head in shame* yes, I’ve been reading DBZ fanfic)
4. Dean/OMCs (SPN)
5. Logan/Wade (
Lex-n-karu have an absolutely amazing series based on X-Men: Origins:
6. Riku/Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Three ships you liked but don't like anymore
7. Buffy/Angel (Blasphemy!)
8. Draco/Hermione (This pairing is actually why I started reading HP fanfic)
9. Can't think of another one :|
Four ships you never liked
10. Harry/Severus (HP)
11. Dean/Sam (SPN)
12. Bruce/Lex (SV)
13. Oliver/Chloe (SV)
Two ships you're curious about, but don't actually ship
14. Clark/Diana (DC)
15. Severus/Lily (HP)
Why do you dislike 11 so much?
I don't actually dislike Dean/Sam all that much, it's just that it's everywhere. I find it quite hard to find SPN fics without this pairing added in in some way.
Who is someone you know that ships 14?
I don't talk to them all that often and even then it's feedback for fic but I think
bradygirl_12 and
mithen might have some interest.
What would be your ideal scenario for 3?
Vegeta deceides the first time they meet that he wants Goku as his mate. Goku doesn't seem to mind all that much :P
Which is your favorite moment for 1?
From a fanfic by
jaylee-g. Harry uses his connection to Voldemort to make him understand what he fights for. Bittersweet and lovely.
How long have you been following 6?
Not too long. About 2 years.
What’s with 8? What made you stop liking them/caring?
I have no idea. When I found Draco/Hermione I also found Draco/Harry and after that I just couldn't read het anymore 0o
You have the power to make one ship non-existant. Choose between 10 or 12.
Bruce/Lex, definitely. Can't stand it. Ick.
Which ship do you prefer? 2 or 4?
Cable/Deadpool. So fucked up but still workable :P
What interests you about 15?
I like 'What Ifs' and Lily is such an important character (what with having Harry) that I wonder how things would be if she hadn't stayed or been with James.
Why did you stop liking 7?
Well, now that I'm older I see their relationship differently. They loved each other, that I still believe but for Angel she was everything he could never be and for Buffy he was her first intense love. These days I think they're both destined for other people.
Did your waning interest in 9 kill your interest in the show/book/manga/game?
Ha, don't have anything for 9
What’s a song that reminds you of 5?
Haven't got a song for them yet. I'm such a sucky fangirl
If you could have any two of these pairings on a double date, who would it be?
*eg* Have to 2 & 5. That would be hilarious.
Have 2 kissed yet?
Only in my head buuuuut they used bodyslide quite alot ;)
Did 4 have a happy ending? Do you think a happy ending is likely?
I haven't found many happy Dean/OMC fics, so no :(
What would make you start shipping 14?
If I could get over my irrational dislike of het
If only one could happen, which would you prefer, 2 or 6?
ahhhhhhh no, you can't ask me that!!
You have the power to decide the fate of 10. What's happens to them?
Harry ends up with Draco and Severus locks himself in a dungeon for eternity
Which do you dislike the most?
Which of these ships do you love the most?
Oooh, toughy. I love all of them, each pairing is something different and unique and wholly their own, I can't imagine loving one more than the other.