(no subject)

Apr 01, 2007 11:31

Turn-Ons (all specified towards guys) :P

#1!!!! Very nice hair. NOT SHORT. Not long. Mostly medium length leading towards longish (on guys, I consider this to be hair halfway down their neck. Hard to explain)
#2 Nice glasses. NOT SHITTY GLASSES. nice glasses :D
#3 Dark brown hair is very nice :D
#4 A nice smile
#5 Smartttt. I mean, SMART. I demand a guy who can keep an 80s or higher average.
#6 Someone who doesn't talk dirty about girls around girls. And if he does, it has to be funny in a good way
#7 Non-stupidity and a general want to learn more about you (I don't get this one often) :(
#8 Readers
#9 Guys who have interesting hobbies/interests/likes I don't mind adopting
#10 Guys who are pretty good at ball hockey
#11 Talkative guys who are as or more talkative then I am, making up for when I'm shy
#12 Guys who have a cuteness to them, but a guyish cuteness, not a girly cuteness D:
#13 Guys who have good taste/similar tastes in music
#14 Guys who like anime/manga but not specifically hentai. (if you only like hentai, MAJOR turnoff x_x)
#16 Guys who are secretive (this can go either way though, it could piss me off)
#17 Guys who are willing to help you, emotionally, physically, or just with your homework (bigger turnon if you ask me if *I* need help... unless I don' t want it, then that's a turn off)
#18 A guy who is kind and sweet and caring to my friends (but not to the extent where he tries to get in their pants)
#19 A guy who has friends who are awesome and cool who I can hang out with and they make me feel special (BECAUSE THEN I FEEL SEXY)
#20 Really huge complimenters (Because then I feel sexy :DDD)
#21 WHITE GUYS!!! :) I've actually never had a thing really, at all, for anyone who isn't white. (Except that Singaporean guy and the Asian... but that's it. :S Everyone else was white.)
MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL: Confidence!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (That's just plain sexy :D)

And now I dare Raven and everyone else to do a Turn OFFs list. :D
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