Apr 27, 2005 13:01
Ok it's official. I'm way too emotional. I just got finished watching A Makeover Story. This couple was in college, it was her sorority formal, they get a makeover, and her boyfriend proposes. The guy was crying, she was crying, and I was crying! I'm like "damnit.. why can't I find a guy like that?". So yes.. maybe I'm stupid for wanting to get married and have a family when I'm only 19, but whatever. That won't be happening for awhile though because guys like to treat me like shit. So yeah..
I have to make up 2 hours of Intro to Computers next week. That should be fun.. blah! I'm in such a good mood today.. NOT!
Brandon, Steph, and I had fun in Intro to Computers today. Brandon was having way too much fun with the quizzes on bzoink. He cracks me up! I have a test in there tomorrow over PowerPoint. So yes, I must study this afternoon, if I'm not too drugged up. I'm hurting like a mother bear because of this wonderful time of the month. I'm breaking out the medicine after I get Savannah and that stuff usually knocks me out!
Anyways.. still haven't heard from the fucker. Him and Marissa have been MIA since Monday night. So yeah.. who knows. I'm trying to not to worry about him. I keep telling myself that he's not worth it, it'll never work, and I deserve someone better. But on a day like today, I just feel worthless and unloved.
I'm gonna rest for an hour before I have to get Savannah.