Aug 13, 2005 09:04
1. What size is your bed: Twin
2. Is your floor carpeted: Yes.
3. If so, what color is it: Tanish, with blue crosses.
4. Do you have posters on the walls: Yes.
5. Of what: Sister Hazel
6. Do you keep your room clean, or is there junk all over the floor?Well, it depends mostly its messy, but they make me clean it all the time.
7. Are you allowed to eat in your room: Nope.
8. How many times a day do you brush your teeth: Twice.
9. Do you take a shower daily: Yess ma'am.
10. Do you wear perfume/cologne: Sometimes.
11. Do you wear deodorant: No i don't.. yess i do.
12. Do you go outside often: Like once a day.
13. Is your lawn green or brown: Green.
14. Do you have a patio in the back: Yes.
15. Do you have a one or two (or more): Wha wha?
16. How many trees are in your yard: Am i supposed to keep track?
17. Are you male or female: Female.
18. Are you sure: No, i don't. lmfao, yess sir
19. Do you have any piercings: Yepp.
20. If so, where: Ears baby!
21. Are you single or married: I am married.
22. Do you like your name: Uglyyy.
23. Do you like lotion: Weird, but yes
24. Do you shave your legs: IMMA CAVEMAN, lmfao yess i do when i feel like it.
25. Is the sky really blue, or is it white with blue clouds: Woah, i havent thought about that.
26. Did that last question confuse you: At first,
im not that stupid though. =P
27. Do you eat chocolate often?: Yep.
28. Do you have a job: I do yardwork for my grandma
29. Why or why not: Cause i want money
30. Is your computer slow: Can be. more like all the time
31. Have you ever wondered why there is bark on trees: Well, now i do.
32. If you kick a tree, does it bruise the tree: Never thought about that.
33. What do you hear right now: My Stereo
35. What do you smell right now: Nothing.
36. Are you alone in the room: Yes.
37. Are you at home: Yep.
38. Person you saw: My Brother.
39. Person you called: Tommy
40. Person who called you: Tommy
41. Thing you touched: The Keyboard.
42. Magazine you bought: Don't know.
43. Place you went to: Alyssa's house.
44. Person who you chatted with: Online, then Jamie. On the phone, Tommy. and in person my brother.
45. Perfume (cologne) you sprayed: Burberry.
46. Thing you ate: Fish.
47. Drink you drank: Lemon Water.
48. Flower you picked: i don't rememeber.
49. Movie you rented: No idea.
51. Place where you slept: My spare bed.
53. time you fed fish?: When i was coming back from the Keys.
54. used the bathroom?: haha, no idea.
55. heard a bad song?: Dunno.
America: The flag.
Guys: Tommy.
Cherry: Pie
Health: Dying
CD: Sister Hazel
Movie: ?
Arrow: heart. lmfao Jamie put that.
Sing: Me singing today.
Coaster: Sheikra.
dream: Sleep.
dinosaur: People eater. lmfao