so, I went to go see Freezepop here in San Francisco on Saturday, September 25, 2010 and the show was AMAZING. I love Freezepop, but to be honest, the opening band Ming&Ping TOTALLY stole the show. Ming&Ping blew my mind. For reals; video projectors, backup dancers, costume changes and not only a Prince cover but also a Depeche Mode cover. WOW. and, let's not forget the elephant belt.
Freezepop was amazing to see. I have loved Freezepop for years, they totally bring me back. I never imagined making plans to go see them, but it was so worth it. Their show was a little lackluster in comparison to what I imagined...but TOTALLY WORTH IT. Everyone in Freezpop gives off a really good vibe... it was totally apparent that they were more concerned with having fun together than playing for the crowd. They were goofing off, missing parts of songs in the name of texting and drinking... but it was hilarious--in a good way.
The San Francisco show was SO good that when I was in Los Angeles for work on Thursday I made sure to invite my dear friend Angela (who resides in L.A.) out to see them.
Angela loved the show as well-- we were honered with being 'tweeted' at by the venue and... we didn't stop the partying at the show. No-sir-ee. Angela and I made a bee line for The World/The Ruby (I was never sure...been there tons over the last 7 years and never got that clear). It was Club Perversion- that's right, gothic night... and you better believe that we drunkenly got our goth on!
Just remember, when dancing look as serious as possible as you mime pulling down the cob webs and punching zombies.